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How I Became a Morning Person

Good Morning! At least, it's morning as I begin to write this. I've been up since 5:45 a.m. and I'll have you know that's sleeping in for me on a weekday. My alarm normally chimes me out of my dreams around 5:10 a.m. and after one or two snoozes, I pull myself out of bed, feed Willie the Pup, and embark upon my first cup of coffee for the day. This wasn't always the case.

Flash back to me seven or eight years ago where I would stay up until 2:00 a.m. for no real reason at all. Go even farther back and you'll catch me as a tween, laying in my bed and writing. Occasionally I'd stay up far too late and my Dad would come in, catch that my bedroom light was still on and order me to go to sleep. Even after I'd rest my head, I was still buzzing with thoughts and daydreams that refused to become night dreams. I have always been a night owl. So why am I now a dreaded early bird? I wish I could claim I willed myself into the habit. That it was pure discipline that brought me to this routine, but it wasn't. Truth be told, I married an early bird.

My husband for as long as we've lived together will pry himself out of bed bright and early (or dark and early, the sun yet to claim the sky) and take to his coffee and tasks before heading to work. I would remain glued to the bed, grumbling with the dog. I couldn't understand for the life of me what would possess someone not to cling to precious sleep for as long as they could. Instead I slept, only getting out of bed at the last possible moment to quickly get ready for the day.

He on the other hand always had an ease about him. Everything was done steadily and with far less stress than my bumbling panics to get ready and get out the door. Maybe there was something to this whole "being awake" thing? So one day I got up with him and I've never looked back.

Are you a morning person, a night owl, or a possibly some form of preeminently exhausted pigeon? Let me know down below!

Until next time, tootles!!!!

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